So, I only have a 6-pack left of the Kolsch that I brewed back in April. ?Yes, I should be drinking it faster, but I?ve been busy over the Summer. ?I also don?t do much brewing in the heat, I don?t like to heat up the kitchen. ?I decided that since Winter is coming, I should do a brew more fitting for the season. ?I decided on an Oatmeal Stout. ?I think this will drink well on a cold Winter day after shoveling the driveway.
Note:? Please keep in mind that any equipment that comes into contact with fermented food should be?sanitized?prior to use.
As I?ve said before, I?m not expert. ?I just like to brew a couple of batches a year. ?Since I already own the equipment, I think that I save money over buying a comparable beer. ?Granted, if I buy my standard light beer it isn?t cheaper. ?But buying a good quality beer is much more expensive than brewing a batch of homebrew.

- ?1 (3.3 lbs) Can Amber unhopped malt extract
- 2 lbs. dark dry malt extract
- 1/2 lb. roasted barley
- 1/2 lb. chocolate malt
- 1 lb. flaked oats
- 1.5 oz. Northern Brewer hop pellets
- 1 pkg. Nottingham dry yeast
- 3/4 cup priming sugar

Steeping the grains
A day or 2 before brew day, make a yeast starter.
Put the flaked oats, the roasted barley and the chocolate malt into 2 grain bags. ?Steep the grains in about 2 gallons of water at about 155F for 30 minutes. ?Remove the grain bags, allowing them to drain, but do not squeeze them.

Adding the malt
Remove the pan from the heat so the malt will not scorch. ?Add the liquid malt extract and stir well to incorporate it. ?Add the dry malt extract and stir until it all mixes in. ?Return to the heat and bring to a boil.

Hop pellets
Add the hops and boil for 45 minutes. ?The hops come in 1 ounce packages, so I had to buy 2 packages. ?Since these are used in the boil to add bitterness to the beer, I measured out 1 1/2 ounces to ensure that the beer isn?t too bitter.

Pitching the yeast
Remove from the heat and cool the wort as quickly as possible. ?Many people place the brew pot in an ice bath. ?This time around, I made up a big block of ice from filtered water to put in the fermentation vessel. ?This cools the wort very quickly, but takes some planning since ice in the freezer will pick up off flavors with time. ?Pitch the yeast once the wort is 70-80F.
Put on the lid and attach an air lock. ?Put the fermentation vessel in a cool dark place to ferment. ?In about 5 days, I will transfer the beer into a glass carboy to finish fermenting. ?My main reason for using a secondary fermentation vessel it so I end up with a clear beer.
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